Lylah’s bandaged thumb
Silly sign in the women’s bathroom
Colton taking the cat out to explore the campsite
Sitting around the campfire
Rylen snuggling the cat
Rylen teaching himself keyboard
Bike ride
Lylah exploring Meridian campground
Lylah discovering her first cactus
Lylah exploring
Fern Ledge
Kids at Bee Ledge
Kids hiking in Meridian
Lylah and I at the scenic overlook
Scenic Overlook
Geocache find
Geocache find
Earning their Texas Junior Ranger badges
Lylah on a bike ride
Colton fishing
Lylah fishing
Lylah’s big catch
Rylen’s catch
Rylen fishing
Meridian State Park

As depicted in the first picture, Lylah was slightly injured on our way to Meridian Lake State Park. Rylen accidently shut the RV door on her thumb. She had an indent where the door hit her thumb and her thumb swelled up a little bit, but she is a trooper. We got her bandaged up and some ice and she was all better.

Thankfully, the thumb incident wasn’t a bad omen on our way to our next campsite. The camping area itself was small with less than 10 sites for RVs, but the state park had a lot of area to explore. As a bonus, the weather was gorgeous the majority of our stay. Temperatures were in the mid 70’s and the sun was out. The pictures illustrate the majority of our time in Meridian; hiking, fishing, geocaching and exploring. Fishing at the state park was free, so even Colton was able to fish. Lylah saw her first cactus. The kids also worked hard to earn their Junior Ranger badges. The staff was friendly and helpful, and the kids would frequently visit with the rangers. Meridian State Park was definitely a family favorite and a beautiful place to explore. Colton was even able to get in a couple of outdoor runs as the weather was absolutely beautiful!

We did make a visit to a local restaurant called the Cactus Grill. If you ever find yourself in Meridian, Texas, the pork medallions are delicious, but be sure to bring your own bottle of wine. They don’t serve adult beverages, but do allow customers to bring their own drinks.

About Author

Hello, my name is Kayla, and I'm a registered nurse from the Midwest. My husband and I have celebrated 20 years of marriage and are parents to two children. Our eldest, who has special needs, faced challenges in a traditional school environment. After exhausting all our options to support him, we chose to take a year-long break from society. We sold our house and most belongings, purchased an RV, and set off on an adventure across the United States. This year of travel allowed us to grow both individually and as a family.

My son and I both grapple with ADHD. I was unaware of my condition until it was pointed out by my son's psychiatrist during our first meeting. The most significant challenge I face with ADHD is communication. In one-on-one interactions, I manage fairly well, but when I'm nervous, upset, or deeply engaged with the subject, my thoughts become muddled, and my speech turns into a jumbled mess. Adding to the complexity, I have an INFP personality type according to the Myers-Briggs chart, which means I often find myself nervous, upset, or deeply passionate. To deal with these communication hurdles, I tend to fall back on silence, keeping my thoughts to myself.

Blogging has reignited my passion for storytelling, with travel as my muse, and helped me find my voice. Despite the irony of being a storyteller who struggles with verbal communication, I've found my voice through travel blogging and newsletters. This has allowed me to express my true, authentic self—a goal that has long been elusive. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all my readers for giving me a platform to be unapologetically me.

I would love to have you follow along in our journey as we navigate RV life, homeschooling and discover amazing places across the country!

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  1. So glad you found a good spot and good weather….our weather just dropped from the 70s to the high 50s here…so we are cold and hoping to get back to normal temps here soon….Tell Lylah we have lots of cactus for her to see here. Let us know when you get to Cottonwood and if there is a particular day that you want to drive down and see us here in Peoria

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