Sunset in the Monahans
Kids playing in the sand
Playing in the sand
Building a sand castle
Enjoying the sun and sand
Sand castle
Rylen with the sandcastle
Full moon
Monahans view
Aerial view of the park
Walking in the sandhills
Sand sledding
Colton and Lylah playing in the sandhills
Colton and Lylah
Colton sand sledding
Sand Sledding
Lylah in the sand
Lylah in the sandhills
Lylah sand sledding
exploring the sandhills
Playing in the sandhills
Rylen sand sledding
Rylen with the sled
Lylah in the sand
Cloudy day

As we continue to journey further west, we venture into unexplored territory. Our time during our stay in Guadalupe River State Park was chaulk full of remembrance, but now every moment, every experience is brand new for all of us. As we made our way further into west Texas we discovered numerous oil fields. You could smell the methane as we drove into Odessa, Texas for groceries. Our destination was Monahans Sandhills State Park.

We all fell in love with Monahans Sandhills State Park. The second we backed into our site, the kids jumped out of the truck and started playing in the sand. The scenery was gorgeous, so much so that I slept with our window blinds open because I loved waking up to the beautiful view. The kids saw other people sand sledding on our arrival and wanted to try it. We were able to borrow a sled for the family for free at the ranger station and we all tried sand sledding for the first time. Again, if you follow my Instagram account, there are videos of Rylen and I dressed up in an inflatable Olaf costume. We had way too much fun with that.

Shameless Plug: Right around this time period is when I started our Instagram account. Many of our reels that I have posted on our Facebook stories are from this location. I’ve shared many of our reels on Facebook stories, but to see more video content, follow us on our Instagram. Our Instagram account is a more personable side to our adventures and video reels instead of photos. To see more of us being our crazy, adventurous selves, follow us on Instagram @campingwithkayla

About Author

Hello, my name is Kayla, and I'm a registered nurse from the Midwest. My husband and I have celebrated 20 years of marriage and are parents to two children. Our eldest, who has special needs, faced challenges in a traditional school environment. After exhausting all our options to support him, we chose to take a year-long break from society. We sold our house and most belongings, purchased an RV, and set off on an adventure across the United States. This year of travel allowed us to grow both individually and as a family.

My son and I both grapple with ADHD. I was unaware of my condition until it was pointed out by my son's psychiatrist during our first meeting. The most significant challenge I face with ADHD is communication. In one-on-one interactions, I manage fairly well, but when I'm nervous, upset, or deeply engaged with the subject, my thoughts become muddled, and my speech turns into a jumbled mess. Adding to the complexity, I have an INFP personality type according to the Myers-Briggs chart, which means I often find myself nervous, upset, or deeply passionate. To deal with these communication hurdles, I tend to fall back on silence, keeping my thoughts to myself.

Blogging has reignited my passion for storytelling, with travel as my muse, and helped me find my voice. Despite the irony of being a storyteller who struggles with verbal communication, I've found my voice through travel blogging and newsletters. This has allowed me to express my true, authentic self—a goal that has long been elusive. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all my readers for giving me a platform to be unapologetically me.

I would love to have you follow along in our journey as we navigate RV life, homeschooling and discover amazing places across the country!

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